Moody Airmen Go the Distance at CLEP-a-Thon

More than 200 Airmen participated in a free marathon-themed testing event at the annual CLEP-A-Thon, July 23-26, 2018, at Moody Air Force Base, Ga., where they pursued their higher educational and self-improvement goals.

Airmen took as many Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education Support (DANTES) and College Level Examination Program (CLEP) exams as they could during the four-day period, with each passing score earning them college credit.

“The CLEP-A-Thon is designed to draw people in to see how easy it is to do college testing and take classes,” said Darryl Gagne, 23d Force Support Squadron (FSS) education specialist. “It gets their foot in the door, and once they start taking those baby steps, they start saying ‘I can do this.’”

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