The Navy has gone back on its plan to institute a six-day work week for its recruiting workforce, reported.Vice Adm. Rick Cheeseman
Rear Adm. Alexis Walker, head of Navy Recruiting Command, had given the order to go to a six-day schedule. But one of Walker's superiors "issued a pause" on the plan Jun. 30, according to the Navy.
"We will continue to do everything to support our recruiters, adjust policy when we see an opportunity, and remain focused on ensuring we have a force ready to fight," Vice Adm. Rick Cheeseman said in a statement.
The six-day policy – it aimed to address the struggle that many service branches face in meeting its recruiting goals for the year – was largely criticized by sailors and veterans on social media.
“The Navy is considering all available options in order to fully man our recruiting stations as we continue to address the projected recruiting shortfalls for 2023,” a Navy spokesperson said last week.
The initial social media posts on the policy had images suggesting that the Navy was considering ordering sailors slated for recruiting duty to report to their new posts six months early and keeping recruiters already serving in place for an extra year. Cheeseman’s statement did not address these potential changes.